

3. Nomura N, Take A, Uojima H, Sakaguchi Y, Gotoh K, Satoh T, Hidaka H, Horio K, Mizokami M, Hayashi S, Kusano C.
Complete match of Streptococcus salivarius from oral saliva and stool in a patient with hepatic encephalopathy.
Int. Med. doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.3989-24 (2024)

2. Jiang F, Chen Y, Tomonobu N, Kinoshita RNLGY, Komalasari Kasano-Camones CI, Ninomiya K, Murata H, Yamamoto K, Gohara Y, Ochi T, Ruma IMW, Sumardika IW, Zhou J, Honjo T, Sakaguchi Y, Yamauchi A, Kuribayashi F, Futami J, Kondo E, Inoue Y, Toyooka S, Sakaguchi M.
Dissection of the signal transduction machinery responsible for the lysyl oxidase-like 4-mediated increase in invasive motility in triple-negative breast cancer cells: mechanistic insight into the integrin-β1-NF-κB-MMP9 axis.
Front. Oncol. 14, 1371307 DOI=10.3389/fonc.2024.1371307 (2024)

1. Takahashi T, Tomonobu N, Kinoshita R, Yamamoto K, Murata H, Komalasari NLGY, Chen Y, Jiang F, Gohara Y, Ochi T, Ruma IMW, Sumardika IW, Zhou J, Honjo T, Sakaguchi Y, Yamauchi A, Kuribayashi F, Kondo E, Inoue Y, Futami J, Toyooka S, Zamami Y, Sakaguchi M.
Lysyl oxidase-like 4 promotes the invasiveness of triple-negative breast cancer cells by orchestrating the invasive machinery formed by annexin A2 and S100A11 on the cell surface.
Front. Oncol. 14, 1371342 DOI=10.3389/fonc.2024.1371342 (2024)


4. Nagahama M,Takehara M, Seike S, Sakaguchi Y.
Cellular uptake and cytotoxicity of Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin.
Toxins 15, 695 (2023)

3. Uojima H, Sakaguchi Y, Gotoh K, Satoh T, Hidaka H, Take A, Horio K, Hayashi S, Kusano C.
Metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease on distinct microbial communities at the bacterial phylum level.
Digest. Dis. doi:10.1159/000534284 (2023)

2. Take A, Uojima H, Sakaguchi Y, Gotoh K, Satoh T, Hidaka H, Horio K, Mizokami M, Hayashi S, Kusano C.
Impact of liver fibrosis on the relative abundance of urease-positive Streptococcus salivariusgroup from saliva in patients with chronic liver diseaseis.
Hepatol. Res. https://doi.org/10.1111/hepr.13930 (2023)

1. Sakaguchi Y, Kobayashi K, Takehara M, Nagahama M.
Clostridium perfringens epsilon-toxin requires acid sphingomyelinase for cellular entry.
Anaerobe 82, 102753 (2023)


3. Kohya R, Murai T, Taguchi Y, Sawai K, Takehara M, Nagahama M, Itaya K, Koike Y, Endo A, Ono Y, Nagasaka A, Nishikawa S, Nakamura M.
An autopsy case of rapidly aggravated Clostridium perfringens septicemia with colorectal cancer.
Case Rep. Infect. Dis. 2022, Article ID1071582 (2022)

2. Takehara M, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin up-regulates plasma membrane CD11b expression on murine neutrophils by changing intracellular localization.
Biochim Biophys Acta -Biomembranes- 1864, 184054 (2022)

1. Seike S, Takehara M, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Critical residues of Clostridium perfringens delta-toxin for oligomerization and receptor binding.
BPB Reports 5(3), 66-69 (2022)


3. Nagahama M, Kobayashi K, Takehara M
Cathepsin release from lysosomes promotes endocytosis of Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin.
Toxins 13, 721 (2021)

2. Nagahama M, Kobayashi K, Ochi S, Takehara M
Internalization of Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin is regulated by cathepsin B released from lysosomes.
Toxins 13, 272 (2021)

1. Takehara M, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Toll-like receptor 4 protects against Clostridium perfringens infection in mice.
Front Cell Infect Microbiol 11, 633440 (2021)


4. Takehara M, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin inhibits myogenic differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts.
Anaerobe 65, 102265 (2020)

3. Nagahama M, Kobayashi K, Takehara M
The inhibitory effect of cholera toxin B subunit on Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin-induced cytotoxicity.
BPB Reports 3(4), 146-149 (2020)

2. Takehara M, Bandou H, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin specifically induces endothelial cell death by promoting ceramide-mediated apoptosis.
Anaerobe 65, 102262 (2020)

1. Nagahama M, Seike S, Ochi S, Kobayashi K, Takehara M
Clostridium perfringens epsilon-toxin impairs the barrier function in MDCK cell monolayers in a Ca2+-dependent manner.
Toxins 12(5), 286 (2020)


4. Takehara M, Sonobe Y, Bandou H, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor does not influence Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin-induced myonecrosis in mice.
Toxins 11(9), 509 (2019)

3. Nagahama M, Takehara M, Rood JI
Histotoxic Clostridial infection.
Microbiology Spectrum 6(4), doi: 10.1128/microbiolspec. (2019)

2. Seike S, Takehara M, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Clostridium perfringens delta-toxin damages the mouse small intestine.
Toxins 11(2), 232 (2019)

1. Takehara M, Seike S, Sonobe Y, Bandou H, Yokoyama S, Takagishi T, Miyamoto K, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin impairs granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor-mediated granulocyte production while triggering septic shock.
Communications Biology 2, 45 (2019)


5. Nagahama M, Takehara M, Kobayashi K
Interaction of Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin and lipolysis-stimulated lipoprotein receptor (LSR).
Toxins 10(10), 405 (2018)

4. 竹原正也
Yakugaku-Zasshi 138(10), 1249-1253 (2018)

3. Nagahama M, Takehara M, Miyamoto K, Ishidoh K, Kobayashi K
Acid sphingomyelinase promotes cellular internalization of Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin.
Toxins 10(5), 290 (2018)

2. Zeniya S, Kuwahara H, Daizo K, Watari K, Kondoh M, Yoshida-Tanaka K, Kaburagi H, Asada K, Nagata T, Nagahama M, Yagi K, Yokota T
Angubindin-1 opens the blood-brain barrier in vivo for delivery of antisense oligonucleotide to the central nervous system.
J Control Release 283, 126-134 (2018)

1. Seike S, Takehara M, Takagishi T, Miyamoto K, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Delta-toxin from Clostridium perfringens perturbs intestinal epithelial barrier function in Caco-2 cell monolayers.
Biochim Biophys Acta 1860(2), 428-433 (2018)


5. Takehara M, Takagishi T, Seike S, Oda M, Sakaguchi Y, Hisatsune J, Ochi S, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Cellular entry of Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin and Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin.
Toxins 9(8), 247 (2017) Review

4. Takagishi T, Takehara M, Seike S, Miyamoto K, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin impairs erythropoiesis by inhibition of erythroid differentiation.
Sci Rep 7, 5217 (2017)

3. Krug SM, Hayaishi T, Iguchi D, Watari A,Takahashi A, Fromm M, Nagahama M, Takeda H, Okada Y,Sawasaki T, Doi T, Yagi K, Kondoh M
Angubindin-1, a novel paracellular absorption enhancer acting at the tricellular tight junction.
J Control Release 260, 1-11 (2017)

2. Takehara M, Seike S, Takagishi T, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Peptidoglycan accelerates granulopoiesis through a TLR2- and MyD88-dependent pathway.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 487(2), 419-425 (2017)

1. Nagahama M, Takehara M, Takagishi T, Seike S, Miyamoto K, Kobayashi K
Cellular uptake of Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin requires acid sphingomyelinase activity.
Infect Immun 85(4), e00966-16 (2017)


5. Seike S, Takehara M, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Role of pannexin 1 in Clostridium perfringens beta-toxin-caused cell death.
Biochim Biophys Acta 1858(12), 3150-3156 (2016)

4. Takehara M, Takagishi T, Seike S, Oishi K, Fujihara Y, Miyamoto K, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin impairs lipid raft integrity in neutrophils.
Biol Pharm Bull 39(10), 1694-1700 (2016)

3. Takagishi T, Oda M, Takehara M, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Oligomer formation of Clostridium perfringens epsilon-toxin is induced by activation of neutral sphingomyelinase.
Biochim Biophys Acta 1858(11), 2681-2688 (2016)

2. Takehara M, Takagishi T, Seike S, Ohtani K, Kobayashi K, Miyamoto K, Shimizu T, Nagahama M
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin impairs innate immunity via inhibition of neutrophil differentiation.
Sci Rep 6, 28192 (2016)

1. Seike S, Miyamoto K, Kobayashi K, Takehara M, Nagahama M
Clostridium perfringens delta-toxin induces rapid cell necrosis.
PLoS one 11(1), e0147957 (2016)


7. Oda M, Terao Y, Sakurai J, Nagahama M
Membrane-binding mechanism of Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin.
Toxins 7(12), 5268-5275 (2015) Review

6. Nagahama M, Seike S, Shirai H, Takagishi T, Kobayashi K, Takehara M, Sakurai J
Role of P2X7 receptor in Clostridium perfringens beta-toxin-mediated cellular injury.
Biochim Biophys Acta 1850(11), 2159-2167 (2015)

5. Miyamoto K, Nagahama M
Clostridium: Food poisoning by Clostridium perfringens.
Encyclopedia of Food and Health 1st edited by B. Caballero et al Eds, Chapter 171, Academic Press (2015)

4. Miyamoto K, Seike S, Takagishi T, Okui K, Oda M, Takehara M, Nagahama M
Identification of the replication region in pBCNF5603, a bacteriocin-encoding plasmid, in the enterotoxigenicClostridium perfringens strain F5603.
BMC Microbiol 15, 118 doi:10.1186/s12866-015-0443-3 (2015)

3. Nagahama M, Ohkubo A, Kinouti Y, Kobayashi K, Miyamoto K, Takehara M, Sakurai J
Clostridium perfringens TpeL induces the formation of stress fibers via activation of RhoA-ROCK signaling pathway.
Biol Pharm Bull  38(5), 732-739 (2015)

2. Nagahama M, Ochi S, Oda M, Miyamoto K, Takehara M, Kobayashi K
Recent insights into Clostridium perfringens beta-toxin.
Toxins 7(2), 396-406 (2015) Review

1. Takagishi T, Oda M, Kabura M, Kurosawa M, Tominaga K, Urano S, Ueda Y, Kobayashi K, Kobayashi T, Sakurai J, Terao Y, Nagahama M
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin induces GM1a clustering and TrkA phosphorylation in the host cell membrane.
PLoS one 10(4), e0120497 (2015)


4. Oda M, Imagawa H, Kato R, Yabiku K, Yoshikawa T, Takemoto T, Takahashi H, Yamamoto H, Nishizawa M, Sakurai J, Nagahama M
Novel inhibitor of bacterial sphingomyelinase, SMY-540, developed based on three-dimensional structure analysis
J Enzym Inhib Med Chem 29(3), 303-310 (2014)

3. Nagahama M, Oda M, Tsuge H, Kobayashi K
Enteric toxins of Clostridium perfringens: Beta-toxin, tpeL, epsilon-toxin and iota-toxin.
Molecular Medical Microbiology 2nd, Y. Tang et al. Eds.,Vol. 2, Chapter 56, p997-1013, Academic Press, (2015)

2. Oda M, Yamamoto H, Shibutani M, Nakano M, Yabiku K, Tarui T, Kameyama N, Shirakawa D, Obayashi S, Watanabe N, Nakase H, Suenaga M, Matsunaga Y, Nagahama M, Takahashi H, Imagawa H, Kurosawa M, Terao Y, Nishizawa M, Sakurai J
Vizantin inhibits endotoxin-mediated immune responses via the Toll-like receptor 4/MD-2 complex.
J Immunol 193(9), 4507-4514 (2014)

1. Nagahama M, Takahashi C, Aoyanagi K, Tashiro R, Kobayashi K, Sakaguchi Y, Ishidoh K, Sakura J
Intracellular trafficking of Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin.
Toxicon 82, 76-82 (2014)


7. Nagahama M.
Vaccines against Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin.
Curr Pharm Biotechnol 14(10), 913-917 (2013) Review

6. Nagahama M, Shibutani M, Seike S, Yonezaki M, Takagishi T, Oda M, Kobayashi K, Sakurai J
The p38 MAPK and JNK pathways protect host cells against Clostridium perfringens beta-toxin.
Infect Immun 81(10), 3703-3708 (2013)

5. Li M, Adams V, Babban TL, Miyamoto K, Garcia JP, Uzal FA, Rood JI, McClane BA
Toxin plasmids of Clostridium perfringens
Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 77(2), 208-233 (2013)

4. Nagahama M, Oda M, Kobayashi K, Ochi S, Takagishi T, Shibutani M, Sakurai J
A recombinant carboxy-terminal domain of alpha-toxin protects mice against Clostridium perfringens
Microbiol Immunol 57(5), 340-345 (2013)

3. Yamamoto H, Oda M, Nakano M, Watanabe N, Yabiku K, Shibutani M, Nakanishi T, Suenaga M, Inoue M, Imagawa H, Nagahama M, Matsunaga Y, Himeno S, Setsu K, Sakurai J, Nishizawa M
Concise Synthesis of a Probe Molecule Enabling Analysis and Imaging of Vizantin
Chem Pharm Bull 61(4), 452-459 (2013)

2. Tsurumura T, Tsumori Y, Qiu H, Oda M, Sakurai J, Nagahama M, Tsuge H.
Arginine ADP-ribosylation Mechanism Based on Structural Snapshots of Iota-toxin and Actin Complex
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(11), 4267-4272 (2013)

1. Oda M, Fujita A, Okui K, Miyamoto K, Shibutani M, Takagishi T, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M
Bacillus cereus sphingomyelinase recognizes ganglioside GM3
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 431(2), 164-168 (2013)


14. Yamamoto H, Oda M, Nakano M, Watanabe N, Yabiku K, Shibutani M, Inoue M, Imagawa H, Nagahama M, Himeno S, Setsu K, Sakurai J, Nishizawa M
Development of Vizantin, a safe immunostimulant, based on the structure-activity relationship of Treharose-6,6'-Dicorynomycolate
J Med Chem 56(1), 381-385 (2013)

13. Fatmawati NND, Sakaguchi Y, Suzuki T, Oda M, Shimizu K, Yamamoto Y, Sakurai J, Matsushita O, Oguma K
Phospholipase C produced by Clostridium botulinum types C and D: comparison of gene, enzymatic, and biological activities with those of Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin
Acta Med Okayama 67(1), 9-18 (2013)

12. Inubushi T, Kamemura N, Oda M, Sakurai J, Nakaya Y, Harada N, Suenaga M, Matsunaga Y, Ishidoh K, Katunuma N
L-tryptophan suppresses rise in blood glucose and preserves insulin secretion in type-2 diabetes mellitus rats
J Nutr Sci Vitaminol 58, 415-422 (2012)

10. Oda M, Kabura M, Takagishi T, Suzue A, Tominaga K, Urano S, Nagahama M, Kobayashi K, Furukawa K, Furukawa K, Sakurai J
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin recognizes the GM1a/TrkA complex
J Biol Chem 287(39), 33070-33079 (2012)

9. Nagahama M, Umezaki M, Tashiro R, Oda M, Kobayashi K, Shibutani M, Takagishi T, Ishidoh K, Fukuda M, Sakurai J
Intracellular trafficking of Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin b
Infect Immun 80(10), 3410-3416 (2012)

8. Oda M, Shiihara R, Ohmae Y, Kabura M, Takagishi T, Kobayashi K, Nagahama M, Inoue M, Abe T, Setsu K, Sakurai J
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin induces the release of IL-8 through a dual pathway via TrkA in A549 cells
BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease 1822(10), 1581-1589 (2012)

7. Nagahama M, Oda M, Kobayashi K
Glycosylating toxin of Clostridium perfringens
InTech -Glycosylation- (2012) http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/48112 Review

6. Oda M, Hashimoto M, Takahashi M, Ohmae Y, Seike S, Kato R, Fujita A, Tsuge H, Nagahama M, Ochi S, Sasahara T, Hayashi S, Hirai Y, Sakurai J
Role of Sphingomyelinase in Infectious Diseases Caused by Bacillus cereus
PLoS one 7, e38054 (2012)

5. Oda M, Takahashi M, Tsuge H, Nagahama M, Sakurai J
Role of side-edge site of sphingomyelinase from Bacillus cereus
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 422, 128-132 (2012)

4. Oda M, Nagahama M, Kobayashi K, Sakurai J
Role of tyrosine kinase A receptor (TrkA) on pathogenicity of Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin.
InTech -Phosphorylation- (2012) http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/48515 Review

3. Nagahama M, Oda M, Ochi S, Kobayashi K, Sakurai J
Role of phospholipid metabolism and G protein in the action induced by Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin.
Jounal of Glycomics and Lipidomics (2012) 10.4172/2153-0637.S3-001 Review

2. Oda M
New insight from basic research of Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin
Nippon Rinsho 70(8), 1313-1317(2012)

1. Imagawa H, Saijo H, Yamaguchi H, Maekawa K, Kurisaki T, Yamamoto H, Nishizawa M, Oda M, Kabura M, Nagahama M, Sakurai J, Kubo M, Nakai M, Makino K, Ogata M, Takahashi H, Fukuyama Y
Syntheses of Structurally-simplified and Fluorescently-labeled Neovibsanin Derivatives and Analysis of their Neurite Outgrowth Activity in PC12 cells.
Bioorg Med Chem Lett 22, 2089-2093 (2012)


8. Nagahama M, Umezaki M, Oda M, Kobayashi K, Tone S, Suda T, Ishidoh K, Sakurai J
Clostridium perfringens iota-b induces rapid cell necrosis.
Infect Immun 79, 4353-4360 (2011)

7. Nagahama M, Oda M, Ochi S, Kobayashi K, Sakurai J
Recent insights into Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin.
Res Adv Infect Immun 1, 1-12 (2011) Review

6. Nagahama M, Itohayashi Y, Hara H, Higashihara M, Fukatani Y, Takagishi T, Oda M, Kobayashi K, Nakagawa I, Sakurai J
Cellular vacuolation induced by Clostridium perfringens epsilon-toxin
FEBS J 278, 3395-3407 (2011)

5. Oda M
Molecular mechanism of bacterial sphingomyelinase C.
Nippon Saikingaku Zasshi 66(2), 159-167 (2011)

4. Oda M, Saito Y, Morimune Y, Nagahama M, Sakurai J
Induction of neurite-outgrowth in PC12 cells by alpha-toxin from Clostridium perfringens
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 411, 241-246 (2011)

3. Miyamoto K, Yumine N, Mimura K, Nagahama M, Li J, McClane BA, Akimoto S
Identification of Novel Clostridium perfringens Type E Strains That Carry an Iota Toxin Plasmid with a Functional Enterotoxin Gene
PLoS one 6, e20376 (2011)

2. Sakurai J, Oda M
Effect of macrolide antibiotics on biological activities induced by Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin
InTech Gangrene (2011)

1. Nagahama M, Ohkubo A, Oda M, Kobayashi K, Amimoto K, Miyamoto K, Sakurai J
Clostridium perfringens TpeL glycosylates the Rac and Ras subfamily proteins
Infect Immun 79, 905-910 (2011)


Imagawa H, Oda M, Takemoto T, Yamauchi R, Yoshikawa T, Yamamoto H, Nishizawa M, Takahashi H, Hashimoto M, Yabiku K, Nagahama M, Sakurai J
Synthesis and evaluation of novel phosphate ester analogs as neutral sphingomyelinase inhibitors
Bioorg Med Chem Lett 20, 3868-3871 (2010)

Oda M, Takahashi M, Matsuno T, Uoo K, Nagahama M, Sakurai J
Hemolysis induced by Bacillus cereus sphingomyelinase
BBA - Biomembranes 1798, 1073-1080 (2010)

Ishidoh K, Kamemura N, Imagawa T, Oda M, Sakurai J, Katunuma N
Quinolinate phosphoribosyl transferase, a key enzyme in de novo NAD+ synthesis, suppresses spontaneous cell death by inhibiting overproduction of active-caspase-3.
BBA - Molecular Cell Research 1803, 527-533 (2010)


Sakurai J, Nagahama M, Oda M, Tsuge H, Kobayashi K
Clostridium perfringens Iota-Toxin: Structure and Function
Toxins 1, 208-228 (2009) Review

Nagahama M, Hagiyama T, Kojima T, Aoyanagi A, Takahashi C, Oda M, Sakaguchi Y, Oguma K, Sakurai J
Binding and internalization of Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin
Infect Immun 77, 5139-5148 (2009)

Oda M
Structure and function of sphingomyelinase
Yakugaku Zasshi 129, 1233-1238 (2009)

G. Tumurkhuu N, Koide J, Dagvadorj A, Noman I, Khuda Y, Naiki T, Komatsu T, Yoshida M, Oda M, Nagahama M, SakuraiJ, Yokochi T
The inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor-alpha and nitric oxide production by Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin and its relation to alpha-toxin-induced intracellular ceramide generation
International Journal of Medical Microbiology 299, 554-562 (2009)


Oda M, Kihara A, Yoshioka H, Saito Y, Watanabe N, Uoo K, Higashihara M, Nagahama M, Koide N, Yokochi T, Sakurai J
Effect of erythromycin on biological activities induced by Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin
J Pharmacol Exp Ther 327, 934-940 (2008)

Tsuge H, Nagahama M, Oda M, Iwamoto S, Utsunomiya H, Marquez VE, Katunuma N, Nishizawa M, Sakurai J
Structural basis of actin recognition and arginine ADP-ribosylation by Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105(21), 7399-7404 (2008)

Oda M, Matsuno T, Shiihara R, Ochi S, Yamauchi R, Imagawa H, Nagahama M, Nishizawa M, Sakurai J
The relationship between the metabolism of sphingomyelin species and hemolysis
of sheep erythrocytes induced by Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin
J Lipid Res 49 1039-1047 (2008)

Katunuma N, Ishidoh K, Sakurai J, Oda M, Kamemura N
Reciprocal relationship between the apoptosis pathway mediated by executioner caspase
and the physiologic NAD synthesis pathway
Adv Enzyme Regul 48, 19-30 (2008)

Nagahama M, Kihara A, Kintoh H, Oda M, Sakurai J
Involvement of tumor necrosis factor-a in Clostridium perfringens beta-toxin-induced plasma extravasation in mice
Br J Pharmacol 153, 1296-1302 (2008)

Kobayashi K, Nagahama M, Ohkubo N, Kojima T, Shirai H, Iwamoto S, Oda M, Sakurai J
Role of Ca2+-binding motif in cytotoxity induced by Clostridium perfrigens iota-toxin
Microb Pathog 44, 265-270 (2008)


Nagahama M, Otsuka A, Oda M, Singh R, Zyta Z, Imagawa H, Nishizawa M, Sakurai J
Effect of unsaturated bonds in the sn-2 acyl chain of phosphatidylcholine on the membrane damaging action
of Clostridium perfrigens alpha-toxin toward liposomes
Biochim Biophys Acta-Biomembrane 1768, 2940-2945 (2007)

Matsuda T, Okada Y, Inagi E, Tanabe Y, Shimizu Y, Nagashima K, Sakurai J, Nagahama M, Tanaka S
Enteritis necroticans 'pigbel' in a Japanese diabetic adult.
Pathol Int. 57(9), 622-626 (2007)


Ago H, Oda M, Takahashi M, Tsuge H, Ochi S, Katsunuma N, Miyano M and Sakurai J
Structural basis of the sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase activity in neutral sphingomyelinase from Bacillus cereus.
J Biol Chem 281, 161157-16167 (2006)

Oda M, Ikari S, Matsuno T, Morimune Y, Nagahama M and Sakurai J
The signal transduction mechanism involved in Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin-induced
superoxide anion generation in rabbit neutrophils.
Infect Immun  74, 2876-2886 (2006)

Sakurai J, Nagahama M
Clostridium perfringens beta-toxin : Charaterization and action
Toxin Review 25(1), 89-108 (2006)

Nagahama M, Hara H, Fernandes-Miyakawa M, Itohayashi, Y, Sakurai J
Oligomerization of Clostridium perfringens epsilon-toxin is dependent upon
membrane fluidity in liposomes.
Biochemistry 45(1), 296-302 (2006)


Nagahama M, Otsuka A, Sakurai J
Role of tyrosine-57 and -65 in membrane-damaging and sphigomyelinase activities
of Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin.
Biochim Biophys Acta 1762, 110-114 (2005)

Zhai H, Nakade K, Oda M, Mitsumoto Y, Akagi M, Sakurai J, Fukuyama Y
Honokiol-induced neurite outgrowth promotion depends on activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2)
Eur J Pharmacol 516, 112-117 (2005)

Adamson RH, Fernandez-Miyakawa, Ochi S, Sakurai J
Clostridium perfringens epsilon-toxin increases permeability of single perfused microvessels of rat mesentery.
Infect Immun 73, 4879-4887 (2005)


Sakurai J, Nagahama M, Oda M
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin "characterization and mode of action"
J Biochem 136, 569-574 (2004)

Nagahama M, Yamaguchi A, Hagiyama T, Ohkubo N, Kobayashi K, Sakurai J
Binding and internalization of Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin in lipid rafts.
Infect Immun 72, 3267-3275 (2004)

Ochi S, Oda M, Matsuda H, Ikari S, Sakurai J
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin activates the sphingomyelin metabolism system in sheep erythromycin
J Biol Chem 279, 12181-12189 (2004)

Iwanaka T, Kawashima H, Kishimoto H, Kaminuma M, Arai K, Nagahama M, Sakurai J
Enteritis necroticans caused by Clostridium perfringens type A in a japanese boy.
J Pediatr 144, 410 (2004)

J Biochem (Vol. 136, No. 5, 2004)の表紙に掲載されました。

Sakurai J, Nagahama M
Mechanism of action of Clostridium perfringens beta-toxin
Recent Res Devel Infect Immun 1, 433-449 (2003) Review

Nagahama M, Hayashi S, Morimitsu S, Sakurai J
Biological activities and pore-formation of Clostridium perfringens beta-toxin in HL-60 cells.
J Biol Chem  278, 36934-36941 (2003)

Sakurai J, Nagahama M, Hisatune J, Tsuge H, Katunuma N
Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin, ADP-ribosyltransferase: the structure and the mechanism of action.
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Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin induced hemolysis of horse erythrocytes is dependent on Ca2+ uptake.
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Tsuge H, Nagahama M, Nishimura H, Hisatsune J, Sakaguchi Y, Itogawa Y, Katunuma N, Sakurai J
Crystal structure and site-directed mutagenesis of enzymatic component from Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin.
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J Mol Biol (Vol. 325, No. 3, 2003)の表紙に掲載されました。


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Role of the C-domain in the biological activities of Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin.
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Nagahama M, Nagayasu K, Kobayashi K, Sakurai J
Binding component of Clostridium perfringens iota-toxin induces endocytosis in Vvero cells.
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Ochi S, Miyawaki T, Matsuda H, Oda M, Nagahama M Sakurai J
Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin induces rabbit neutrophil adhension.
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