主要論文 |
Karim, M. R., et. al, H., Himeno, S., and Hossain, K. Increases in oxidized low density lipoprotein and other inflammatory and adhesion molecules with a concomitant decrease in high density lipoprotein in the individuals exposed to arsenic in Bangladesh. Toxicol. Sci. 135(1), 17-25. (2013)[PubMed]
- Fujishiro, H., Yano, Y., Takada, Y., Tanihara, M., Himeno, S. Roles of ZIP8, ZIP14, and DMT1 in transport of cadmium and manganese in mouse kidney proximal tubule cells. Metallomics 4(7), 700-708. (2012)[PubMed]
- Fujishiro, H., Okugaki, S., Kubota, K., Fujiyama, T., Miyataka, H., Himeno, S. The role of zinc transporters in cadmium and manganese transport in mammalian cells. J. Appl. Toxicol. 29(5), 367-373. (2009) [PubMed]
- Miyataka H, Ozaki T, Himeno S. Effect of pH on 1H-NMR spectroscopy of mouse urine. Biol Pharm Bull., 30(4): 667-670 (2007) [PubMed]
- T. Yanagiya, N. Imura, S. Enomoto, Y. Kondo and S. Himeno. Suppression of a high-affinity transport system for manganese in cadmium-resistant metallothionein null cells. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap., 292: 1080-1086 (2000) [PubMed]
- S. Himeno, H.S. Chittum and R. F. Burk, Isoforms of selenoprotein P in rat plasma: Evidence for a full-length form and another form that terminates at the second UGA in the open reading frame. J. Biol. Chem., 271: 15769-15775 (1996) [PubMed]
- S. Himeno, A. Takekawa and N. Imura, Species difference in hydroperoxide-scavenging enzymes with special reference to glutathione peroxidase in guinea pigs. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 104B: 27 - 31 (1993) [PubMed]
- S. Himeno, C. Watanabe, T. Hongo, T. Suzuki, A. Naganuma and N. Imura, Body size and organ accumulation of mercury and selenium in young harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 42: 503 - 509 (1989) [PubMed]
- すべての論文 → [PubMed]
主な著書 |
- 「毒性の科学 − 分子・細胞から人間集団まで」 熊谷嘉人・姫野誠一郎・渡辺知保(編)東京大学出版会 (2014)
- 「生命元素事典」 桜井 弘(編)
共著、オーム社 (2006)
- 「水環境ハンドブック」 (社)日本水環境学会(編)
「セレン」、p 360 - 363、朝倉書店 (2006)
- 「分子予防環境医学−生命科学研究の予防・環境医学への統合」 分子予防環境医学研究会(編)
「セレン」、p 619 - 628、本の泉社、 (2003)
- "Heavy Metals in the Environment" (Ed. by B. Sarkar)
"Selenium in Nutrition and Toxicology." p 587 - 630, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, (2002)
- 「主要元素と健康 -- その基礎知識」 鈴木和夫・千葉百子(編)
「セレン」、「水銀」p 72 - 79, p 111 - 116、南山堂、(1996)
- 「ミネラル・微量元素の栄養学」 鈴木継美・和田攻(編)
「セレン」、p 423 - 447、第一出版、(1994)
- "Selenium in Biology and Medicine" (Ed. by A. Wendel)
"The regulation of glutathione peroxidase gene expression; Implication for species difference and the effects of dietary selenium manipulation." p 3 - 7, Springer-Verlag, (1989)